Friday, October 4, 2024

Darlings, Don't You Just Hate People Walking In Front Of You, Blocking The Way???????????????

                            Not that I am being bitchy--well, maybe--but I am used to this happening in Manhattan, where it is inevitable.  But in beautiful, quiet downtown Bay Ridge?

                              It seemed to me like everywhere we walked yesterday, people were blocking our way.  The worst are these moms with oversized baby carriages, toting kids who are obviously too old to be riding in these carriages, even though they may still fit in them.  How many times have I wanted to scream my frustration but don't, simply walking around them and speeding up the pace?  When the person in front is elderly, there is a little compassion for them, but these entitled moms with their oversized brats, and gangs of teens or whatever group is trolling all feel as though they are the only ones in the world, and that really gets my goat, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The sidewalk is for everyone, thus the name.  So, people if you are out walking, be aware of those in front of you, and behind you.

                                  It is not a race.  But others besides the you-know-who-you-are's- may have places to get to, or exercise to do.

                                  Watch it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Yes, Girls, I Made It Through Another Visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           You know, I hate the dentist, darlings, though I take as good care of my teeth as possible.  But there is the discomfort, and then the bill--which causes more discomfort!

                                             And I have to go back on Monday, because I have--oh, my God-a small cavity!  I can't tell you the last time I had one, darlings, and my very first one did not appear until I was 35 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, now I have this to look forward to.  And premedication.

                                              On a more spiritual level, dolls, did you know that yesterday was the Feast Of The Guardian Angels?  In Roman Catholicism, it is believed that each child born is assigned a Guardian Angel to watch over that child during life on Earth.  I really have to thank and pity mine, who has had to do so much watching, and seen things those in the angelic realms never expected to see.  I am sure when this angel was assigned to me, he/she said, "This kid will be a tough one to watch over."  But I guess the angel is still with me, as I have gotten myself, with the help of God and the angel, out of some precarious situations, especially in my youth.

                                                 All in all, it turned out to be a very good day.

                                                Tend to your teeth, darlings.  Even with insurance, dentistry is not cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  And watch it with that candy, at month's end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tuesday, October 1, 2024

"Master, Please Let Me Mash!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll Take Those Chains From You Now, Frankie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           What a perfect way to open October, darlings!  No, this is not an invite or reference to an S and M party.  The days when I would even consider attending one are long gone, but when the song you are going to hear is played, it will all make sense.

                            That song is "Monster Mash Party," which was on the flip side of "Monster Mash."  I used to play this song at top volume, with our front door open, when I was a child, and every time it got to "the Transylvania twist," and there would be a scream, I would echo that scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Such fun I had!  It drove my mother crazy!  But she loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              It is all about fun, darlings, not pain, so if pain is your thing, what the hell are you doing here?

                            This is a season to party, girls, so let's party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Here is the song, girls!   Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can You Believe We Are Into The Tenth Month Of The Year?????????????

                              A little bit of charm, a touch of John Carpenter.  I used to love October, but as I grow older, I feel more like another year winding down.  Nevertheless, I am going focus on the positive, so that this will be positive October both for David and myself.

                               This should be "Svengoolie's " peak month.  But I am sorry to say, the second Saturday he is showing the worst film in his rep--"The Ghost And Mr. Chicken," with Don Knotts.  So, make plans for that Saturday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I have some shows planned for October.  And maybe some exciting, not upsetting, surprises.

                                 All you ghosties and ghoulies have a good October, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!