Monday, November 5, 2018

What Happened To Birttani Marcell Was Tragic! But I Have Some Things To Say Today That Will Get Me Attacked By The ID Nuts!!!!!!!!!

                              And you all know who you are, darlings!  You have attacked me before!

                             Last night Paula Zahn examined an interesting case, one of the better ones this season.  Of course, she wore her leather zipper outfit, showing a bit of cleavage to gratify the geriatric demographic male audience, who jerk themselves off, while watching her.

                               The case in question was both miraculous and tragic.  On September 11, 2008, Brittani Marcell returned home to meet her mother for lunch.  As she entered the home, she was ambushed, beaten with a shovel, stabbed with a knife, and left bleeding on the floor.

                                  Brittani's mother arrived just minutes later, to discover not only the horror of her daughter's situation, but the man still in the house, threatening she, who ran for her life.

                                   The amazing part is, after being rushed to the hospital, and undergoing a total of twenty surgeries over the years, having to learn to walk and bring her brain, which had been reduced to the level of a two-year-old, up to her level, Brittani succeeded, though she remained blind in one eye, and deaf in one year.

                                      Having undergone such trauma, she had no memory of the attack.  But, over the years, thanks to determination, and working with detective Jodi Gaunterman, Brittani got her memory back.  As she was still conscious while being attacked, she kept saying to the perp, "Why, Justin, why?"

                                       It turned out she knew her attacker.  Working at an eyeglasses store in an Albuquerque mall, Justin Hansen, smitten with Brittani, would frequently visit her.  She was friendly, and polite, but when he asked her out, politely turned him down.

                                        That is when he snapped.  He was 24, and by ten years later, when convicted, was married, with four children.  Pity that household. Nevertheless, he stalked Brittani, unknowingly, until the right opportunity, when he struck.

                                           Brittani fixed him. She survived, and remains undefeated.

                                           He only gets an 18 year sentence, for attempted murder.  For what he did to her, he should get more, or pay medical restitution to Brittani for the rest of her life.

                                             But, hey, unlike the case of Gene Thurnau, and Bob Peterson, Justin and Brittani's was a straight situation.  So, white trash rallies to his defense, because he is straight, even though he is more dangerous and twisted than Bob Peterson--who was sick, but had no convictions till then, whereas Justin had a DWI and rape charge.  All the ID nuts who attacked me for Bob--understanding his torment and such--didn't gave a damn about his back story, because he was gay. But because Justin Hansen is straight, very likely a White Supremacist, and an abuser of women, and, had the marriage lasted long enough, children, people will get down on their knees to him, simply because he is HETEROSEXUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Both cases are variations on "Fatal Attraction."  Brittani's tale thankfully had somewhat of a happy ending.  But Justin Hansen should get LIFE, and all the bigoted heteros out there who attacked me on Bob and Gene should realize both--Justin and Bob--are bat shit crazy!

                                                  Both the gay perp and the straight one are guilty of their respective deeds.  So, why, all you ID nuts, defend one, over the other????????????


  1. Good for you!!! Speaking the total truth! Keep doing what you are doing.


  2. Damn right! Thank you so much!
    You know I will!

  3. I just watched the show and from my understanding, the reason he only got 18 years was because much of the evidence was destroyed erroneously by the police department. Therefore, the prosecution was afraid they may not get a guilty verdict and were put in the position where they had to offer a plea deal. I know since then, Justin has asked for leniency because of his children but in everything I've read, people have found him revolting. I know I do. I also think he should have gotten much more than 20 years (which was the max allowed for the crimes he was charged with) and Brittani deserved to never fear that man again. So I guess I'm just confused as to who you are referring to that are defending this scum.
