Friday, August 31, 2007

Girls. My Girdle Is Killing Me!!!!!

And I am telling you I cannot wait to get home and out of it, as well as my heels, nylons and panties. Why we girls have to dress so much is beyond me; it's not like I am scoring any success points in the world of finance and romance so what the hell gives>

What I am in the mood for is for some certifiable trash, which is why my desperation is driving me to seek out the reamake of "Halloween," which is an insult to the 1978 masterpiece. Maybe more will be revealed about Michael being a murderer of bitch sluts like his sister Judith; he had the right idea, only he was caught!!!!!

Sweeties, do I feel like Miss Bitch! So I am going to tear the town up tonight with guacamole and some Margarittas. On Monday, which is Labor Day, it will be a picnic mornign without a warning and I will feel like Verna Felton as Mrs. Potts when a man walks into her life. And after what I went through three weeks ago nothiing is walking into mine.

But, doll faces, I love you all, so go home get out of those girdles and curl up with a drink and some "My Little Margie DVDs!!!!!


  1. You're a good person to wear a girdle at all! My problem is that I am become so dependent on the girdle that I feel real loose and awful minutes after taking it off.

    But there's nothing wrong with a good girdle, especially the way it holds me up and supports me. I love the support , the way it flattens my belly and hugs my bottom and holds me firmly up and in

    And I adore wearing the nylons fastened to my girdle suspenders. I look deadly!


  2. You go, girl! Return us to the era of Forties and Fifties glamour!!!!!!!!!!
