Friday, September 14, 2007

Girls, When You Are So Fabulous.....

.....I'm telling you I just don't know what to do. You think it is easy being this brilliant? I mean I cannot wait to see Jodie kick ass in "The Brave One," and guys had better steer clear of lesbian neighborhoods this weekend!!!! I should have read "Women In Love" for my book group last night, but, honey, I read it last year and life is too short to reread every single book. So I will make a consolidated effort to read the books from now on. I still love the group even if some of the selections, like this graphic novel "FunHouse" are too well not de rigeur.

Darlings, the world has to conform to my tastes or I cannot be bothered. And if you can't well then fuck it!!!! Or more politely stated, go take a hike. Imagine the fun I would have if I were a serial killer. Now who or what would I go after, that would be the interesting part.

Sure wish I could do "Chorus Line." I am determined to dance Cassie! Darlings, we all want to be Cassie!!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend girls. Dinner and drinks and a bridge club. Just like what we were raised too. Kisses darlings!!!!!

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