Monday, October 15, 2007

Girls, We Butterflies Flit From Stem To Stem!!!!!

Social butterflies, that is! I am telling you, girls, how is one to keep up with oneself in one weekend? Where is the chance to rest? Even God gave Himself that! Between coffee, dinner and "The Apartment" with Vincent, work on Saturday followed by dinner with Tom across the river in Newark, NJ yet! and Sunday with Danny watching "Serial Mom", dining at the Telephone Bar and Grill in the distant (for me) East Village, then dashing over West to Dignity to do my choral/ spritual stint, darlings I need a day off just from my weekend?

I bet Donna McKechnie rests! I bet Sammy Williams rest! And you know they dance full out every day!

Meanwhile my legs get tighter from all this dance, barre and Yoga work. Now if only there were a man to wrap them around! Sigh!

I am running SO low on moisturizer, I have to remind myself to go to the store and get home. One more year of life means one more layer to slather on. You think it is easy maintaining oneself in a youth dominated society, even if I AM an ingenue, even IF my professional age is 24!!!

Is it any wonder Monday has been recounted negatively in songs like "Rainy Days and Mondays," and even the more perky "Monday, Monday?" "Can't trust that day" darlings!
John Phillips was damn right, even if I did have more of the hots for Denny. And have you seen Denny lately? He looks like some big old bear who you see Sundays in New York at the Dugout!!!!

Darlings, why should I be seen there when there is much more elegant stuff at the Metropolitan Museum of Art!!! Just call me Holly Golightly!

Have we had our breakfast at Tiffany's, yet, darlings??? Have a fabulous day, my pets!!!!
And get those nails done!!!!!

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