Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Girls, There Is No Underestimating The Value Of A Good Blow Job!!!!!

Darlings, I am appalled at how history has failed to document the importance of this unique act as it relates to the formation of world decisions. From the Declaration of Independence, to the Constitution of the United States, right through to the Clinton administration, it can be said that the world turns not so much on a dime as head and a spoonful of spooge.

Why would I wax rhapsodic about this, girls? Have I recently had an orgasm? One not induced by yours truly? Are you kidding?

Sweethearts, this weekend I had a life altering experience. Saturday I traveled out to famed Blaristown, New Jersey where the original (one and only) 1980 classic "Friday The 13th" was filmed. Not only did we visit all the key locales, we even caught an evening performance of A.R.
Gurney's play "Love Letters," starring "Friday The 13th's" own Mrs. Voorhees, Betsy Palmer!!!!! Betsy was fabulous and after the show the director presented her with a boquet of flowers, stating that November 1 was her birthday and asking us to sing "Happy Birthday." Which we did. Then Betsy did a very gutsy thing. She stepped forward and gave a lovely thank you speech, in which she revealed her true age--81!!!!!! I could not believe it--I thought she was 75 or 77! And MY professional age is STILL 24!!!!!

Earlier that afternooon, we actually drove past Camp No Be Bo Sco, which was used as Camp
Crystal Lake in the film. The gate was open. Dare I go in? You better believe I did, girls, and saw not only the lake and cabins, but...oh it was just too exciting. But when I got to the big cabin, the Camp Office, this Grizzly Adams type guy came out--you know, the kind you usuually see at the Dugout on weekends, and you can bet this guy has probably gone there--to say that while he understood why we were there we could go no further. So we complied. But, girls, I am telling you, if I had just had a couple of minutes alone with this guy and had given him a good blow job, I would have had a personal tour of the camp!!!! Hell, things were so isolated out there, he would have welcomed a blow job, a candy bar, a bottle of wine--anything--and I wouldn't blame him.

My pets, Blairstown is SO quaint and spooky. Picturesque beyond belief with a private school atop a hill, but everything closes down early on the weekend--bookstores shut down at 3, the diner shuts down at 4. By evening the place was dead--I am telling you everyone is afraid of Jason and Mrs. Voorhees!!!!!!

Neverhteless I will not be deterred. Next spring or summer I am returning so I can visit the nearby Land of Make Believe attraction, and then I am going to go back to that camp and service that ranger to get that tour I should have had in the first place, darlings!

They say in Hollywood Edith Head gave good costume. But what if you just give good head?

Think on that one, Girls!!!!!!!!

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