Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Girls, We Have So Many Exciting Career Options!

Teacher. Prostitute. Nurse. Secretary. Librarian. (Wait, don't let's go THERE! Don't even get me started!)

But there are two I want to call attention to for all my darlings--cocktail hostess and hat check girl!

You get to wear a strapped gown showing bare arms and cleavage, your make up done to perfection which you have learned since the days of yore at your Buddy Beauty Vanity by Marx, and you get to hob nob with shady male characters who will show you a good time! Girls, this is what we have all dreamed of!!!!! I mean, look what being a hat check girl did for Madonna! Forget business exectutive--these are the jobs that propel you to fame!

I want to be a hat check girl, and a dance hall hostess so I can star in my own revival of
"Sweet Charity." Girls, this is the program to get with! We are on the cutting edge!!!!!!

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