Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Girls, Let Us Celebrate The Miracle of Donna McKechnie


I am telling you there is no excuse for such scurilous filth on the Internet. Today I discovered, going back to August 22, 2006 this article on the then forthcoming revival of "A Chorus Line" by this ersatz writer/dancer named Toba Singer. Girls, she has her own website, and she looks like a cow! I am talking Totie Fields, only without the true artistry that was Miss Fields.

This two ton Tessie Tura has the nerve to criticize Donna McKechnie. How many shows have you stopped, Toba? How good do you look in a red skirt? And just how flexible is that body of yours?

It seems to me Singer is the one with the fixation--on Priscilla Lopez. She goes on to talk about she and Priscilla studied together at the High School of Performing Arts. THEN she has the sheer audacity to committ one of the greatest faux pas in theater history--to violate confidentiality that even Priscilla Lopez has kept all this time as to the true identity of Mr. Karp in "Nothing." I have known many actors who studied there who knew but there was alway a tacit agreement not to reveal him. And so we get it first hand from Tubby Toba!!!!

Says how she studied dance with Phil Black. Sweetie, didn't we all. So did Trini Alvarado!
According to Toba what "A Chorus Line" is really about is she and Priscilla, and not, as she phrases it "Michael Bennett and his morbid fixation on Donna McKechnie."

Excuse me, Toba? Were you part of the creative process of ACL? Were you a member of the original cast. How dare you claim the show is about you! Honey you couldn't do a time step, let alone walk across the street.

As for Mr. Bennett and his morbid fixation on Donna McKechnie, let me tell you this Michael is fixated for the same reason as the other Michael--we both respond to Donna's emotionally impassioned style and artistry, the perfection of that bodily symmetry that, darlings, you know we all want to have, but which only Donna can own!!!!! Donna is a true miracle; while at home recuperating from a shoulder disc slip up and listening to her CD, I heard that inner voice of Donna that all us dancers hear say "Honey, if you can get on your feet--dance!" Before I knew it I was dancing "The Music and The Mirror" full out and feeling no pain!!!!!! The miracle of Donna is how she reaches all artists whether she is present or not. How many artists has Toba Singer reached? With the piece she has written she is sure to alienate more than she will reach.

Michael Bennett, God love him, had a reputation for being a theatrical bitch, but he is no longer with us. But THIS Michael is still here, so let me speak for him--Miss Singer if you say one more scurilous thing agst Donna you will learn from me the true meaning of the word B-I-T-C-H.

Hope everything is beautiful at your ballet, darling!

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