Saturday, June 7, 2008

Girls, We Just Wanna Have Fun!!!!!!

Darlings, last night the "Sex And The City" screening was so much more exciting than I could have imagined. Let me say first and outright that I AM Miranda. I have her intellectual brilliance, and as my friend with me said, "You are uptight enough." He got that right!!!!!

I am telling you, when Carrie gave Louise the Louis Vuitton bag, I went wild. And when I saw the store door with the name Diane Von Furstenberg on it I screamed! I SO want a Louis Vuitton bag! And a Diane Von Furstenberg original.

Darlings, SATC is what all us gay men want--to be THIN, GORGEOUS, BRILLIANT, HAVE
GREAT SEX--in fact, pretty much what we do anyway. So girls, as I have not realized it till now, this blog will become not only my SATC but an SATC for all gay men. Women are invited to join in.

You think I haven't done the sex clubs? The sex parties? Honey, from 1990 till 1996 I was on the circuit!!!! And darlings let me tell you orgasm leads to exhaustion, which is why I stay at home, read my literature and do facials!!! Like all you girls out there--or that is what you should be doing, girls.

So stay tune, girls. Straight women have Candace/Carrie! Gay men have Michael/The Raving Queen!!!!

Love to all, girls!

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