Saturday, August 22, 2009

Girls, Dinah Washington Got It Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am telling you, darlings, the last 24 hours--first a scrumptious meal at Center Cut--Steak Diane, mushrooms, asparagus, wine and coffee, and, for the first time in 40 years, Cherries Jubilee on the menu!!!! Honey, this is the elegant revenge I have always dreamt of!!! Then tossing and turning all night, waking up during a thunderstorm, sweated and stained, which caused me to get not much sleep and be an absloute bitch to Mr. Weisner, who had a point, which I was just not feeling up to hearing!!! And then faced tonight with the unheard of--going to Mr. John Falcon's party, which is going to be amazing considering we were about as close as snakes and victims!!!! I bet he will sing and demonstrate his tremendous ego! I have to confess I am going motivated out of curiousity.

And me reading The Great American Epic Novel--John Steinbeck's "East of Eden," with the bitch of all time, Cathy Ames. This woman is Satan, which is why the subtitle should have been WOMAN AS SATAN!!!!!!!!! Honey, I am a sweetheart, compared to her, even when I am a bitch!!!! Bitches like she, like that Maragret and Elena, should get their comeuppance in the form of slow, painful, suffering deaths!!!!! Flaunting their so-called disgusting vaginal power! Well, thank God for homosexualiaty, because we spit in the face of the so-called Almighty Vagina!!!! It repluses us, and it repulses me!!!!! Even Steinbeck should have known better--he wrote this but stuck his to women anyway. Get rid of straights, who needs 'em????

My, am I a bitch today! I am going to be in great shape for that party. Well, I will give you a full report, girls? Who knows, maybe I will find action. Oh come on; are you kidding? In Jackson Hts? At John Falcon's??? Sweetie, MY action comes from a suite at the Pierre!!!!

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