Thursday, August 20, 2009

Girls, I Am Wearing My Special Panties!!!!!!!!

Darlings, the reason for the above is that today, in addition to being the National Pilgrimage of the Fench people to Lourdes, is the birthday of the radiant and captivating actress, Miss Amy Adams. I should look so gorgeous, girls, when I turn 35!!!! So I knew that my wardrobe today had to be special, calling for my white panties with multi-colored letters saying Happy Birthday written all over them, which I had specially desigined for me, lambs!!!!! Make sure you light a cupcake and candle for Amy, after all she has done for us on film these last several years. Or better yet, make one of her "Julie and Julia" recipies in her honor. I may do the chocolate cream pie, girls!!!!!

Last night I was exhausted, what with cooking up a storm, I actually fell asleep without any drugs! Can you believe that? Oh, well, just more for me on some other night when I really need them! Judy would be SO proud! And tonight is another evening out, what with the Chelsea screening of "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlottte" which is sure to be in air conditioned comfort and still a hoot, what with Mary Astor as the Southern bitch Jewel Mayhew, which is MY role, Olivia De Havilland as white trash cousin Miriam Dearing, and of course the godlike Miss Agnes Moorhead,who just walks off with the film as Velma Cruther! In the parody stage version called
"Shut Up, Sweet Charlotte!" I want to play Velma!!!! So tonight we get to see the REAL Velma!
Plus it will be fun to see what queens turn out for this screening on this night of Amy Adams ' birthday, and go out afterwards to have some drinks--as if queens need any excuse for a drink!!!
In honor of Amy I am also wearing my yellow Christian Dior shirt, dolls, so you know I am dressed to the max1

Wishing you all a simply divine day, darlings! And don't forget to use that cold cream!!!

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