Thursday, September 10, 2009

Girls, How Am I To Get Through This Day!!!!

Darlings, while slaving away at my wage earning tasks, I suddenly realized I did not take my morning meds, which includes my anti-depressant. So no wonder I have been feeling somewhat less than perky today. What with some recent decisions I have made--like evicting closeted gays from my life-- I have reason not to feel so up. No wonder I need a personal assistant. Perhaps I should put up an ad at the LGBT Center, and see what happens!

Tomorrow, girls, I am off and I have a FULL day ahead. I have to pick up laundry, pay bills,
put clothes away, try to cook something--either a pasta casserole or Audrey's squash one-- hit the bookstores to find a copy of Cheever's "The Wapshot Chronicles," and meet Donna in front of the Dallas BBQ at 6:15. We are suppose to say the girl group show "The Marvelettes," and, girls, I am telling you it should be loads of fun!!!! And then I have to work on Saturday. My God, I haven't had time to call Rob, and I have to find out what is going on there. Tonight, darlings, I hope to see all my fans at the Center, and then we will hold court, darlings!

Tea and sugar, love!!!!!!!!!!!

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