Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Darlings, A Return To Civilization Has Its Price!!!!!!

Girls, I have been back in NYC since Saturday, and this was supposed to be my week for fun and relaxation. Now it is true that I have reclaimed my kitchen by making a fabulous potato tortilla and an Italian pasta dish with spinach and beans, but in addition I have had to endure more root canal, escalating dental bills, and rainy weather where I had to go home for my photo ID to deposit some money in my savings acct, and THEN I go to pay my other bills, and the computer system is down. My plans for the 1:25 screening of "Law Abiding Citizen" have been scrapped, so here I am, blogging to all my girls after a fabulous "Julie and Julia" lunch.

Stilll much ahead, darlings. More bills to pay, working at the Center tomorrow night after almost 3 weeks, a party for Rob on Friday, and Audrey's Halloween party on Saturday. Darlings, when you are as fabulous as I am the social scene post October just does not stop!!!!!!

Added to which I have been haunted by Richard Molinari's most recent book, "Merciliess," because I empathize with the serial killer, an emotionally disturbed child named Marius Daumgarrd, who turns out to be a child murderer, a la "The Bad Seed," but who is trying to recreate the fantasy and childhood happiness of his past by memoriailizing the amusement creation that his grandfather, the only one who truly loved him built and designed, called StoryBook River. I really felt Marius' pain, because how much would I like to go back to the safe and happy moments of my childhood. Which is why that lyric in Sondhiem's "Sweeney Todd"
resonates for me--"If only angels could prevail, we'd be the way we were." Maybe if Marius had been reached, he could have been helped. Or maybe if his grandfather had lived out the course of his life he would have harnessed his demons. I know I fear isolation and aloneness, which is why I felt the killer's pain. Not that this justifies killing, but I understood his desire of wanting to bring back StoryBook River, as I remember such places from my youth in Jersey--Wild West City in Sussex County, the Native Village therein (which does not) and the similar StoryLand down in Freehold which I had actually been to. And once again Mr. Molinari stumped me--Me, Mr. Serial Killer expert, darlings--so you know he is good. And good looking,honey!!!!!!!!

So what a week it has been. And it is still continuuing so when my demons rise I just think about some movies or shows to see, and more Richard Molianari to read, and the prospect of a husband. It is not over, till it's over, girls!!!! So stay tuned for more, the week is not yet through , darlings, and there may be more mayhem to come! Ta Ta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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