Saturday, November 21, 2009

Darlings, Our Social Whirl Has Us Exhausted!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, I got those tkts for "Finian's Rainbow." We will see it on December 9, and it is going to be SO exciting.

These week has been a whirl, what with MY gala birthday celebration on Wednesday, my friend Mike's this evening in a world apart from the universe I have never heard of called Maiden Lane, no less, where I hope THIS maiden is going to be safe, or at leas meet some big strong boys who will make me feel such. And then a brunch tomorrow at The Garage--honey, I must be operating on I don't know what because I am not doing those Judy Garland drugs. Maybe I could do her concert schedule after all!

Ah, yes, the post birthday letdown. When we realize it is simply just another year, and worry about the all unknowing future. This is where I am at right now, girls, and it is kind of scary!!!!!!
This is why we have to be social butterflies, because if we weren't we might be drug addicts instead. Or maybe I am already girls, if you count coffee and Mand M's!!!!!!

So my outfit this evening is a bit understated than planned because I did not want to upstage the host. But the social whirl is just kicking off, what with Thanksgiving and then the lead-in to Christmas, then Christmas itself, and then New Year's. And then we are back to square one.

Girls, I am telling you maintain yourselves at all times, because this is the season when we must shine our brightest, whether it lands us a husband or not!!!!! And if it does remember--my wedding gown is going to be Vera Wang!!!!

See you at party time, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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