Thursday, November 19, 2009

Darlings, Thank God I Am Homosexual!!!!

After seeing "God of Carnage," girls, I thanked God for the above so I don't have children, and nutso couples to deal with. This vehicle only proves that straight people don't behave any better or worse than gays, and let me tell you, you never saw such bitches. More expensive than a visit to your average S and M bar, but at least you can't catch vermin or an STD!!!! And such stunning set and costume design, unlike the bar where the S design stands for Sleaze!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, what a day I have tomorrow, what with errands, trying to get tkts to "Finian's Rainbow" and seeing "Precious" with the free movie tkts I won from an incidnet the other night that you won't believe, but I will telll you another time, girls, have no fear!!!!!

Right now I can't even processs having turned 55; I need to process about two Maragaritas and getting out of this girdle!!!!!!!

So have a lovely evening, loves, and remember to cold cream your face before bed!!!!

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