Saturday, January 23, 2010

Darlings, Things Are Really Heating Up On Here!!!!

....And I just don't mean my love life. Which is NOT heating up in any way, girls; it is as tepid as stale tea!!!! But we are certainly loved on here because some unsual responses of late have been pouring in. The first comes from someone called CathiMazz3432423, who seems bent out of shape about my comments on subway selfishness and my inability or unwillingness to tolerate human stupidity. I suggest this individual try living in NYC for awhile and see what transformation comes over them. I can guarantee you after a few days of subway selfishness, they will be ready to kick ass!!!!

And for this they have the nerve to say "God's mills grind slow but sure." Like I am some kind of serial killer, which believe me, I am not. Get a life, doll, wake up and smell the coffee!!!! Go play with Colorforms!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I want to introduce you to a charming creature who calls itself morningsidemary.
Cute, huh? The first time I saw it, I thought, "Is that like Anytime Annie in "42nd Street?" Or Elizabeth Taylor as Gloria in "Butterfield 8?" No, I don't think so, she writes too well to be a tartlett, and I am sure lacks the attractiveness for sucn.

In fact, we are not sure if MSM, or Miss Park Avenue, as I prefer to call her, is indeed even a HER at all. There are two schools of thought here. One is that the creature is really an obese embittered Queen--not like this bitch, here, darling--who resembles either Divine or Philip Seymour Hoffman on his worst day (which doesn't take much!) and who sits at a computer in their underwear, fingers and keyboard stained with Cheez Doodle coating, jerking off to porno on the Internet. The other--and more likely probability is that said individual IS indeed a woman--but a pale, thin, angular spinster, along the lines of, say, Judith Evelyn as Miss Lonelyhearts in "Rear Window." In which case she should start to worry because Feb 1 is coming up, when a virgin has to be sacrificed to Satan for Candlemass Eve, and she just might be the only thing available!!!!!!!!

The poor thing insists I threatened to take her to task. Honey, I don't make threats. And I DID take her to task and will continue to do so for any unfit obstreperous behavior. Well, I am not to be trifiled with, Missy, so you had better mind your P's and Q's. Spend a weekend watching Hayley Mills movies; that should work wonders for you. Then a visit to the hair salon, which will do spritual wonders for you and CathiMazz.

My darlings certainly are articulate, no doubt about that. Not as articulate as moi, but that is why you have me here, girls!!!!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend, darlings. And if you dare to question my fabulousness, I swear to God I will bitch slap you silly with my panties!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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