Monday, February 8, 2010

Darlilngs, Do Not Overlook That All Important First Relationship!!!!

And, girls, I am not even talking about romance or marriage here. I mean, even if I had a warm furry hunk next to me under the covers, he would have to understand that when the alarm goes off, my most important relationship is with my coffee pot and that first, intoxicating sip of cofee--caffeinated, darlings!!!! I mean, sometimes it can be better than an orgasm, lambs, and you know how much we know all about THAT. So take a deep breath and remember no matter what your martial status or lack thereof your relationship to your coffee is the most important one you have going!!!!

I am telling you, Amy Adams would have been so proud of me! I spent most of Saturday in the kitchen and made this fabulous Italian chicken vegetable stew, using diced tomatoes, sauce, what veggies I had on hand, chicken and a cup of red wine. And a box of orzo pasta!!!!! Sweethearts, I am telling you, it is a wonder Stanley Tucci did not come knocking on my door. Even he would have been impressed how just a year ago I was such a kitchen novice, and now I am cooking with wine. The sky is the limit, girls, just wait till we get to that beef bourgenon.

And to think this morning I was cruisied in MY neighborhood by two very desirable guys. I hope they appear again, so I can dazzle them with my culinary arts, and they maybe can dazzle me with their bedroom art, which honey, I would not at all mind being dazzled by. Meantime, I have my cooking,some wine, and Wilkie Collins to dazzle me, until something better comes along.

No controversey yet from my redent posting about my walking away from corporate America--interesting. Maybe no one dares to challenge me. Not that I don't allow it, but the thing you have to remember on here, darlings, is that I AM FABULOUS, and I AM ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meantime have a lovelys start to this February week, wear your outdoor gloves out, and your white ones to luncheon. With pearls, of course!!!!!

Love to all, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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