Thursday, February 18, 2010

Darlings, Let's Examine Some More Of That Blanche Hudson Resentment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, there is so much to resent. You all have heard of Gloria Schwartz Shaprio, but let me give you the full story there.

Up the street from us, until around 1974, lived a family called the Becks. They had several boys, one of whom, Dickie, was behind me, and another, Billy, was ahead of me. When the Becks moved out, the Schwartzes moved in. Carl had curly hair, just like his then 4 year old son Jay (why can't I remember the name of their second child?) and Gloria was one of these typical oversexrd, blonde JAP Erica Jong wannabee bitches, who would sit out on her porch reading stuff like Erica Jong and "Evertyhting You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask." Hell, she was probably reading it to improve her fucking with her husband, because the goddamn bitch never did anything else, let her chidlren run wild, and God forbid if she shoudl WORK!!!!!!!!

Now everyone knew who everyone was on the street, but our particulars were of no business to anyone but ourselves. So one day one of the kids on the street--Mary Ann, or Margaret I think, told me they had heard Mrs. Schwartz saying this remark about me not being real. To which I still say what she wants to think is perfectly fine with me, but why repeat this aloud to the children, unless she WANTED (which she did, the bitch!) to get it back to me!!!!! Well, how do you like the picture I have painted of you on here, Gloria; go have an orgasm and drop your goddamn nail file!!!!!!!! She hardly knew who I was, so who was she to pass judgement. But that is what living in that town, and hence the suburbs was like, and why I felt I HAD to get out!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, don't worry, girls, there is plenty more where that came from. Wait till you hear about THE LETTER and Katina Mataras, who is STILL living in that Godforsaken town on the wrong side of the tracks, where she was born and where she will very likely DIE!!!!!!!!!

There is MORE to come, girls, so stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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