Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Darlings, Let Us Talk About Mainstream Gays!!!!!!!!!

A now very distand acquaintance of mine--SO diatant he never had any idea of of what Nobu or Babbo was, let alone dined at them; I mean, can you imagine?-- would often rant on the subject of gays going mainstream. It was his contention that gay should stick to the sleaze bars and palaces in those pre-Internet days, never mind about marching into the mainstream. As one who had no understanding of what is meant to be featured in "W," I questioned his judgement. But you see, he did not grow up in the suburban mainstream, as I and so many of my compatriots did. What he fails to understand is those gays who wish to go mainsteam--return to the suburbs, set up houses the same yet different from those they were reard in, are simply demanding payback time, for the derision, harassment, and ridicule foisted upon them during the so-called early years. Why, if I could work my will, I would go back to the President streets in Highland Park, and thumb my nose at eveyone now living there, saying "Get outta my way; it is MY turn now; I have as much a right as you>"

Not to mention the house would be better decorated, what with Laura Ashley curtains and bedthings, a backyard with a landscaping that exactly dupilicates the Munchkinland set in "The Wizard of Oz," and scores of people coming to look at it. As Scarlett said in GWTW, "I want everyone who's been mean to me to be pea green with envy!!!!!" You better believe it, girls!!!!! And this is what the mainstream gay movement is all about; it does not mean swearing alleigence to the Republican party, never mind those who do. It is an emancipation of what we were entitled to in childhood, but denied, and now we are claiming it with a vengeance!!!!!!!

Which is why I cannot wait for that husband and that house on Great Neck. I am telling you, my book groups and dinner parties will be the talk of the nabe!!!

Hope things are going well in your own nabe, sweet things!!!!!!!!!!!

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