Monday, March 15, 2010

Darlings, We've Made It To The Ides Of March!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me appologize for my laxity over the weekend, as yesterday I was suffering a crushing migraine that did not really let up until I left for work this morning after taking a second dose of medication. Let me tell you, that even the FABULOUS such as moi, crash sometimes, which is why my accounting of the weekend was so poor. I will make up for it now.

I got my hair done, taxes are now history, but the absolute highlight, loves was the Saturday screening of GWTW at the Film Forum. For five hours in a croweded theater, with no heat, coat securely wrapped, I sat through the Selznick classic for the umpteenth time. Let me tell you, when the lights went down, the anticipatory adrenalin rush was overwhelming. When the opening strains of "Melanie's Theme" began playing in the Max Steiner overture, I swooned. When the Selznick logo appeared on the screen, and I was not alone on this, I screamed!!!!!! And when the orchestra segued into "Tara's theme," with the title words flashing across the screen, the applause was so deafening it must have been heard all the way up to Lincoln Center. But how I wish I had had a MAN to comfort me after that Part One ending, the most representative half point in film history. Darlings, for four stormy hours, the audience was enraptured in a way I have not seen since...well, probably since the last time I saw this onscreen. And when we emerged, darlings I can telll you I was emotionally exhauisted. But not too much to saunter uptown to meet Harvey and the Girls for dinner, after which I got home to the worst weather imaginable, and woke up yesterday with a migraine. Overload, girls, overload. But to see GWTW onscreen is worth it, because, at my age, darlings, and with no husband, I have to be mindful that each viewing at this point could be my last.

And yes, girls I am now officially on I have emailed some perspective partners, but we shall see. I have six months, and if I do not get a husband out of it, at least I will have tried this venture. But I am telling you, pic or no pic, I had better get something, because the departure of so many people, both physically and emotionally of late has been devastating. No wonder I need a Bloody Mary or Frozen Margarita now and then.

With this Wednesday being St. Pat's day, hell, maybe I will bag a hot Irishman. You know what is said, darlings--it is hard to get their clothes off, but once you do, you CANNOT get them to put them back on!!!!!! So we shall have to see. Maybe I will find out how delicious the Lucky Charms' leprechaun's charm really are!!!! Meanwhile, you stay delicious, too, all my darlings, and wait till you hear what I have to report tomorrow!!!!

See the difference when I am back on track? Cheers, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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