Saturday, March 13, 2010

Darlings, You Better Watch Out For Little Sister!!!!!!!!!!

".....And his cheatin' wife had never left town,
And that's one body that'll never be found,
See, little sister don't miss, when she aims her gun!"
----"The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia"

Well, girl, there I was last eve at the Riviera Cafe cooling down with a delicious Bloody Mary, served by the enticing Walter, a server with the most delectable booty, and a yen for service. I mean his service was almost companionable, and you better believe, honey, I gave him a lovely tip!!!!!
During my down time, the Vicki Lawrence classic came on over the speaker, and girls we couldn't resist. Just LOVE how little sister guns down that cheatin' wife. Just like how I would like to gun me down--with a stun gun, not a real one--a husband!!!!!!!!!!

Would you believe I managed to get my hair done last eve, and don't I look enticing, girls? Now I am all set to try and catch that 3PM showing of GWTW, and maybe I will bag me something there. Also I have my credit card with me, which means after I am done here, I am going on to, and who knows how much more
I will report to you girls. This blog could really HEAT up comme spring. And you will hear every delicious detail I promise. So you had better stay tuned, because as little sister says I am not through yet. Have a lovely day no matter what you seee this afternoon--or who, girls!--and don't forget to set the clocks ahead an hour before you put out the light. And slab an extra dose of night cream!!!!!

Toodles, darlings! Why are my weekends as frantic as my weeks?

Love to all!!!!!!!!!!!!

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