Monday, March 8, 2010

Girls, The Film Forum Bites It Big Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's start with just Saturday, darlings, because that was bad enough! After pulling my unmarried bitch self out of bed, having my coffee, and extending my morning beauty regimen, I troop down to the Film Forum--which is out of MY way, girls, unless I have a reason to go there, which I did. That reason was to buy an advance ticket to the next day's first screening--at 1PM--of what you girls KNOW is MY all-time favorite movie. All right, let's say it now, one, two, three--"The Wizard of Oz." I march up to the box office, at about 1:45, no line, no screenings, and there are these two grad student wannabees or stoner dudes tending the box office. I ask one of these lunkheads to a tkt for said event--and he REFUSES to sell me a tkt!!!!! Something about not selling in advance for DOUBLE features???? I mean, who is he kidding???? When you are showing 'Oz' on a double bill--I do not CARE if it is with "Potemkin," honey, we KNOW which film is going to draw more viewers. When I made this cogent point, he almost relented, then after about twenty five seconds, he refused. Well, obvioulsy, I told him, someone is not getting enough pussy--so go BUY a fucking cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meow!!!!!!!!!!! Such a bitch, dears!!!!!!!!!

So I had to haul my ass down there the next day--I mean, it was a bigger effort than getting up early to go to Mass with my father!!!!!!!! And because some slacker dude was feeling power hungry or sexually deprived?

The Film Forum adds THIS to my list of caveats--

1. Overselling "Rosemary's Baby" years ago!

2. Not being able to find Audrey's online 'Zhivago' tkts till very near the
starting point of the film.

3. Jettisoning "Splendor In The Grass" for extra showings of "La Danse," with
a promise to bring back the latter, which has yet to happen.

4. And now THIS!!!!

Bruce--you and Karen better get your marketing act together!!!! May you BOTH be visited tonight in your beds by the spirit of Roberta Hill!!!! THAT should make you change your tune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, darlings, with what it takes in this town to get a hair appointment, let alone a table to be seen at Ciprielli's, now you have to be social registered or listed in "W" just to the goddamn Film Forum????

Get over it bitches! Have a 'Prince of Tides' therapy session with Barbra Stresiand!!!!

Love to all, my darlings!

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