Friday, March 5, 2010

Girls, Just A Few More Words On Those Closest Cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I said earlier today, Brian Hutchinson does a great job as closeted film editor Danny Miller in "Looped." Of course, his closetness is telegraphed at we the audience almost from the instant the curtain goes up. I am just wondering how Mr. Hutchinson prepared for such a role, and I would lay odds that his inspriation came from our town's--NYC's--biggest closest case out there, none other than Mr. Ben Brantley. Honey, I have seen those beady eyes and those pursed tight lips, and let me tell you from my experience, that is the type of man who loves to have his panties pulled down and his cheeks smacked until they are cherry red! Cherry red, darlings! And after his "Miracle Worker" reveiw, I would like to take a smack at Mr. Brantley myself.

But like all closet cases, he thinks he is fooling everyone, but not at all! The only one he is foolilng is himself.

Just some food for thought, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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