Thursday, March 4, 2010

Girls, What Is Going On Here?

You know I love you all, my girls, so what is going on here? The things a girl has to go through just to keep in touch with her girls. I mean, it is bad enough I have reached the age where I am using night cream, but when I cannot tell my girls what is going on...well, inquiring minds want to know.

Which brings me to my therapist. Do you know what he said to me? We were talking about my lack of a husband; ie; a relationship, and he said that my problem is that socially I am a TOP. Excuse me, what is that supposed to mean. I mean, girls, I hope all you on here know the difference between TOP and BOTTOM. Hell, you better believe I do. Basically he said that no matter what may be the case under the sheets, because of my strong nature, I am a social TOP and need someone who will follow my lead.

Do you know how this UPS the difficulty??? Now I have to find a milquetoast type who is cute, sexual, and is willing to heed my suggestions on what to do. Darlings, where is Samantha when you need her; she might as well just wiggle her nose, and conjure this up for me. I have as much chance of finding such as THAT. Better yet, get me Serena. Hi, cuz!!!!!!!!!!!

So any of you darlings know some toys out there who want to led around culturally by someone who knows this town as well as Anna Wintour, but is not nearly as much of a bitch as SHE, send them my way! Come on, who are we kidding?

Hell, this could turn me back into am Embittered Bitch again. Hopefully not, kiddies, hopefully not!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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