Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Had A Dream, Girls!!!!!!

.....And it was simply Divine, darlings, in the tradition of Jennifer Jones and "The Song of Bernadette."

We used to have this lovely woman here at work named Fran, who was a saint!
I mean, Mary, Queen of All, hangs out with her, and visits on weekends. And Fran looks like a cross between Grace Kelly and Tippi Hedren in "The Birds," without being attacked.

In my dream, I was combing my hair, properly dressed, when Fran appears to me on a cloud, in the tradtion of the Annunciation, and decrees, "You will get a husband!" She doens't give his stats, or say when this will take place, but she offers hope! So all I can do is wait. I just hope it happens soon, because, as the line in "A Chorus Line" goes, "These bodies do not last for ever!" and I want to still have something to offer!

Make sure you have soemthing to offer, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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