Thursday, April 29, 2010

Girls, This Week We Have Collaborative Winners!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this week our Bitch Of The Week turns out to be not just one person, but a multitiude of people. We take you to the suburban enclave of South Hadley in Masschusetts, where on January 14 of this year, 15 year old Phoebe Prince was driven to suicide by bullying and harassment from classmates, teachers, and administrators in her high school. There is so much wrong with this picture I don't know where to begin. Let us start by naming names.

The Classmates
Sean Mulveyhill
Austin Renaud
Kayla Narey
Ashley Longe
Sharon Chanon Velasquez
Flannery Mallon

These were the collective bitches who did everything from verbally abuse to stauatory rape Phoebe. But, wait, it gets better. The teachers and administrators of this shcool knew what was going on--and chose to look the other way. Then they cried crocodile tears after the incident. Too little too late for these adult bitches, who should all be fired and stripped of the privilege to teach or administrate in any school anywhere. And how about the parents of the classmates, who are responsible for having raised such monsters. Bring them into court, and put them in prison, too.

As for the classmates, they ARE facing charges; save the state the expense and simply burn them at the stake in a televised snuff exectuion. In my day, dears, those who did the bullying were at least pretty and goodlooking. Like the Dykemans, and Roberta and Nedra. But this is is the sorriest looking group of teen hitches I have ever seen--male and female--not one is remotely attractive.

Which makes these students and their so-called adult authority figures perfect as our collective Bitch OF The Week. You would have to notch up to the level of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley to top this gang! And you can sure Ian and Myra will appear on here sometime soon!

Some bitches on here we can just LOVE--like Anna Wintour!!!! These should simply be gotten rid of!!!!!!!!!!!

Screw you, you fucking South Hadley bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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