Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Will It Be Drinks, A Movie, Or Both????????

Girls, who knows? If I see the 'Dragon Tattoo' it will be a long evening. If I dine it will be early but elegant--what is a darling to do? And all of this I have to do alone, loves, because there is no one to do it with. I am telling you, I getting so goddamn mad I am going to blow a gasket when I would rather blow someone else! Or have them blow me! I am not even looking at the Great Neck house now, I want comapanionship; I mean, I am beginning to feel like the Frankestein monster. at least Cucumbo sent those things flying out to bite people. I'd like to send out a few love bites myself, personally. So wish me luck tonight, darlings, because who knows what is in store. Hope I make it to the board tomorrow, loves!!!!

Toodles, angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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