Saturday, May 1, 2010

Darlings, Tra La It's May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, I HOPE when you got out of bed this morning, you reached for your CD of the Original Cast Recording of "Camelot" and played Julie Andrews' (circa 1960, a whole half century, loves!) flawless rednition of "The Lusty Month Of May." May is the month that tells us the year is moving along--I reach my half birthday, flowers bloom--everything but my love life, girls. These trolls on seem to still want Titan Media models OR 1980s style twinkies like those who used to grace the cover of the now defunct IN TOUCH magazine. Me, I just want a real man to cuddle up to, go to events with, and...ummmm.., those quiet evenings at home. Imagine curling up on the couch and watching "Rosemary's Baby." We would be SO snug and cozy--just like the Castevets, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, if I WAS like the Castevets, I would cast a spell to drive someone to me. But no power there. So I must be content with looking FABULOUS, while getting through the work day, maybe a Bloody Mary tonight or tomorrow, a meal this eve, and sometime I HAVE GOT to see "The Human Centipede," this sick art film about a scientist who wants to turn people into said title. Darling, this could be the campiest thing since "Sssssssss......" or it could be, like the critics said, as grizzly as "Audiition." Personally, I think it is somewhere in between. But I will be sure to report on it loves, as well as repot on love if indeed I ever get any!!!!

There is still tomorrow at Dignity and if I am lucky enough to have said person there next eve, I am going to STRIKE. It should be interesting girls, so stay tuned!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, you ALL are as fabulous as I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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