Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Darlings, You Do NOT Want To Be Backstage At "Promises, Promises!" Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, the Tony nominations were announced this morning, and once again I did not get one, continuuing my long, ongoing battle with the Tony nominating committee. For what I do and have done at The Drama Desk I should get an award, because performing there is like doing marathon sessions of "August:Osage County." I am telling you!!!

But that is NOTHING compared to what the stage manager is going to have to deal with tonight at "Promises, Promieses!" For Sean Hayes, and Katie Finearan, who is playing the Marian Mercer part, and garnered all the rave notices away from Miss Kristin Chenowith, has outstipped Krisitn by landing a Tony nod--whereas Kristin did NOT. Catfight! Bitchfest! Do NOT even go near that place tonight, girls!

It is really time for Kristin to wise up. This is her death knelll, the signal that she is THROUGH on Broadway!!!!! She can't hold a candle to a genius like Audra McDonald, and that perky act cannot last forever! Hell, it is not even right for the show she is in, and she knows it. But Little Miss Broadway Piglet wants the money!!!!!!

Now, don't get me wrong, darlings! I may be a bitch, but I really have nothing against Kristin. She is talented enough, but not stellar; she is overrated.
But I am staying out of the theater district tonight, because if you think there was trouble on Saturday night with the alledged terrorist, it will be nothing compared to the Wrath of Kristin!!!!!!

In the meantime, lambs, I have had a genuine bite from Match.com. Maybe it will mean just coffee, but at least it is a start. I have a phone number, and will make that call this evening. I will report on it every step of the way, darlings, and if there IS a wedding you will get a full report!!!!!!

Meantime, I have to start lobbying for next year when maybe I WILL finally get a Tony nomination!!!!!

Lots of luck to all the nominees. Who would have thought Scarlet Johnannsen would have been among them!

See you on the aisle, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

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