Thursday, May 27, 2010

Girls, Have You Heard About The Mickey Mouse Plot?????

Darlings, Bonnie Hoxie! I mean, what a name for starters! But it only gets better--Ms. Hoxie, who I am certain, girls, is a REAL dime store doxie, is the high ranking Disney secretary who, with ber boyfriend has been accused of selling off company secrets to competitors, so she can live her Cinderella lifestyle fantasy of designer bags and shoes. And THIS on the day that "Sex And The City 2" opens.

Now, lambs, those of you out there who read me regularly know that we are ALL better than Miss Hoxie, because we all live out our designer fantasies every single day of our lives. As atttested by this blog, in addtion to being a cabaret, LIFE is one big designer fantasy. So you will not catch me or anyone who reads this pulling the kind of stunts Ms. Hoxie did. I mean, stealing from Disney, how low can you get?
It is like stealing from the Church, which pretty much comes to the same thing, since Disney was an anti-Semitic, anti-gay spewing heterosexist bigot, and the Church is empowered by bigoted pedophiles, and these Papas do NOT practice what they preach. And what they DO practice is disgusting!!!!! So a collaboration between the Church and Disney would not surprise me.

But in stealing and offering to sell secrets, Ms. Hoxie is guilty of tarnishing an image beloved to children, and thus tarnishing little innocent tykes themselves. Again, like the Church, but in a different way. There was a name for women such as Hoxie in Salem, MASS. and they had a pretty good idea there, back in 1692, about what to do with them. Throw the book at this degrading bitch!!!! Only for reasons which will be shortly revealed is she NOT this week's Bitch of the Week.

One thing is for certain. Ms. Hoxley will get a designer wardrobe. The kind that comes with stripes, and I do not mean by Cecil Beaton.

Make sure all your stripes out there are Beatonesque, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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