Thursday, June 24, 2010

Darlings, We Almost Had Two For One This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By which, girls, I mean Bitch Of The Week, which Thursday is, as you know by now, my day for bestowing this award. I was all set to bestow on it on Miss Zoe Kazan, especially since she had the audacity to be cast as Harper Pitt in the forthcoming revival of "Angels In America," a role orginated by the gifted Marcia Gay Harden, whom Zoe could not possibly hope to equal. But then I did some thinking, and while I don't like Zoe, and her lackluster talent, I had to admit that just because she was cast in 'Angels,' she was not the one who cast herself. Someone else had to cast her, and the idiot who did that is whom I have designed as this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week.

None other than that overrated director, Mr. Michel Greif.

All right. He directed ONE halfway decent show, and that was the musical of "Grey Gardens." But there most of the work was done for him; the subject matter was builit in for success, and the Misses Ebersole and Wilson did not requre much in the wayof diretion, as they were real pros, adn you could see how carefully theyhad thought out their characters.

Mr. Greif also staged that overrated piece of crap called "Rent," and girls if you complain to me about labeling this show such, I will bitch slap you with my panties!!!!!!! What a bunch of overrated garabage--"LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVWE, LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE--yoou've got to find it, baby!" Joanthan Larson should have lived, because I believe he would have progressed beyond this nonsense, when now it is his only legacy. Honey, who in ten years, is gonna want to do it! Hell, who wants to do it now? But don't blame Larson, blame Greif for putting it onstage.

Likewise, don't blame Zoe for being cast, blame Greif for casting her. Did he actually witness her performance in "A Behanding In Spokane?" With that voice as shrill as chalk running down the board, I could not tell if this was her actual voice or the character she wss playing. God help the audience, either way. Where is Martha Plimpton when you need her? And now Zoe is cast to play one of theater's great femme characters, Harper Pitt? What kind of voice will she come up for her?
I almost dread it. I am sure Marcia is dreading it, too.

Zoe seems to be the Carla Gugino of the moment. Carla is herself a slatternly thing who kept getting cast in these vulnerable roles--Maggie in "After The Fall" abd Catherine in "Suddenly, Last Summer," when she was clearly unsuited for each. And now Zoe is following in Carla's tradition.

But to have the nerve to take on an iconic role as Harper? Who does she think she is? And who does Greif think he is, in casting her?

What a bitch he is! We congratulate him. But this show sounds like it is heaaded to go down the tubes!!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure all your Angels in America are good ones, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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