Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Girls, Going Down That Rabbit Hole Is Just Not As Much Fun As We Thought It Woudl Be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, several days back I wrote about wanting to be Alice and go down the rabbit hole. What fun that would be I thought, especially to enter Wonderland. Well, last night I sure went for a tumble. After dinner with the Girls at the World Famous Malibu, where the Eilite meet to eat (at a quarter to nine!) there I was walkling down the steps to catch the #1 uptown at 23rd and Seventh Avenue, per usual. I was just several steps from the bottom when out went my right foot, and off I went into space, my bag and book flying in alternate directions. I don't know how, but I managed to fall forward, and the next thing I knew I was sitting on my keister in a state of shock. Fortunately, someone stopped to ask about me and helped get me up, another handed me my book through the gates, and while my dignity was bruised, not much else was, fortunately. So do not be too anxious about rabbit holes girls. I know, that as gay men, darlings, we like to explore all sorts of holes-manholes, glory holes, potholes...and I am stopping right there--but such explorations have all sorts of consequences and mine told me at this point I have to hang on to subway raililngs, rather than go racing down the steps like some sort of overage Yupppie. I mean, I am certainly not James Spader!!!! So watch you step at all times, girls, and thank God I wasn't in heels!!!! My girdle got unaligned, but I could deal with that. Remember--better an unaligned girdle than traction in a hospital.

Now--on to a different topic. Can you believe that in 2012, to comemeorate the show's 35th year anniversary, "Annie" is going to be revived. And they are going to tinker with the script!!!!!! What???? Are you kidding? They said it will NOT be updated, so what the hell can they do???? But I am telling you, I am ready to fill the Mary Jane shoes of Miss Andrea McArdle and do the title role. That's right, lambs--I want to play Annie, and I don't want to hear anyone say I cannot do it. The sun will come out tomorrow, you damn well better beiieve it. I could even understudy as the evil Miss Hannigan, so the producers would save money by getting two leads for the price of one. And if needed I could step in as Bert Healy.

But honey nothing could equal that original production of "Annie" which you better believe I saw, and defined my musical theatergoing years. So instead of donning red wigs once again, let's salute those, like Andrea, who wore it the first time.

And no more tumbles down the subway, girls, Only in the bedroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you soon, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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