Thursday, June 3, 2010

Girls, This Bitch Will NOT Be Ignored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, it is time once again for this weeks's Bitch Of The Week Award. And this winner is something of a first, for she is known for fictitious and REAL reasons for sucn.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is--Glenn Close!!!!!!!

Now, I know most of my girls out there know that the main reason for Glenn claiming this distinction is her iconic portrayal of Alex Forrest in the 1987 film classic--and what a hoot!--"Fatal Attraction." What Glenn did with Medusa hair and a black raincoat raised bitchery to a new height of fashion sophistication, darlings. Hell, we all wanted to look like Glenn as Alex, and go out prowling and trolling the sex clubs of lower Manhattan. And believe me, lambs, some of us did. I could tell you stories about people I knew..........

But Alex was also truly fucked up. Because when it got to the point where she boiled Ellen's (the Gallaghers six year old daughter) pet rabbit, well, let me tell you, not even Veda went THAT far. And truthfully, I don't think Veda would. Wanting money and prestiege, looking down on your family's lower class origins is one thing. But to wreck a man's marriage, even if the schlub husband is a gullible fool, to involve the wife, who is completely innocent, and then to traumatize his daughter for life, or at least to a point where she is going to need YEARS of therapy to understand what was going on in her house at that time, Alex goes beyond the realm of bitches we LOVE into bitches who are just plain bitches and need to be taken donw a peg or two. See how she felt if Dan had boiled her wardrobe. Now, if he had been smart, THAT is how he would have handled things, and then all his trouble would have been finished, as this would have freaked out Alex right into the mental institution she so rightfully belonged in. Theis would be enough alone to secure Glenn the honor of our Bitch OF The Week.

But wait, darlings, there is more!

Last night, I was chatting with this acquaintance of mine, Andy. He works for an interior designer, a woman, whom he says is a tough cookie, in the great Anna Wintour tradition. As well she should be, and we LOVE Anna! Now Andy told me that Glenn had at one point been a client of theirs, and she was just so, well, Alex Forrest they found her impossible to deal with. He said she actually made his boss--a tough cookie--cry! Bitch, you better not mess with ME!!!!! I say send Glenn over to Conde Nast and have a few words with Anna Wintour herself, and believe me, Anna will put her in HER place. Imagine if she had lunch with Anna and I at the same table; she would learn who the true bitches are, and she would clam up, and go back to being the docile thing she was in "The Natural' before her career and ambition took off.

It sounds like Glenn Close is taking her "Fatal Attraction" perona too much off the screen and bringing it into her own. I say she better clam up if she wants to maintain a career. But right now she is our Bitch Of The Week, and we salute her!
But watch out, Glenn! This could be the start of many "rasberry honors."

Honors to all of you, my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glenn Close is awesome. If she spouted off at her hired underling, she probably had good reason. Glenn has a reputation for being a very nice person ... until she is confronted with idiots. Cool women do not suffer fools.
