Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Darlings, Is It Possible Rhoda Penmark Grew Up To Be Anna Wintour???????????????

Girls, this question occured to me during my July 4th weekend bitchfest!!!!! Which began by the way with a big bitchfest, by way of the superb revival now playing of Lillian Hellman's "Another Part Of The Forest." This is a prequel to "The Little Foxes," showing how they all became, well, foxy, and let me tell you they were despicable right from the start. You just gotta LOVE these bitches. And the importance between coffee and successful bitchery cannot be overestimated, as in this production it seems at every turn someone was drinking a cup of coffee or asking for one. Girls, you do NOT want to mess with me in the morning before I have my coffee. Just ask anyone who has. Better yet, don't. You would never find them.

On July 4th, after setting off a few viteruptive pyrotechnics of our own (Mmmmmmmmmmm!) we watched "The Bad Seed," that timeless tale of childhood enchantment and murder. Little Rhoda dresses and carries on with the manners worthy of a Miss Porter's graduate, but don't you get in HER way, darlings, or you might get bumped off. And then there is Nancy Kelly's fifties hairstyle and warbrobe, her hysteria, the set decor, those curtains......no wonder this film is so popular with gays!!!!! Plus Rhoda can be seen as a figure of empowerment fighting all those who consider her an outsider, just as so many of us gays had to do when we were children. But I never drowned anyone for it, let me tell you. Though I THOUGHT about it!!!!!!!!

And then we followed with "The September Issue," featuring our nation's most powerful and beloved Bitch, Anna Wintour. Honey, she makes two million a year and runs VOGUE, and dictates world fashion!!!!!!! That hairstyle, those outfits, those legs......honey, Anna knows the score!!!!!!! And she has to have her coffee first thing in the morning, which seems to be a hallmark for all us successful bitches!!!!!!!! And when she gets to the office, she drinks Starbucks. Poor Grace Coddington, so sweet, so one time stunning, having to be trampled on by Anna all the time. It is definitely made clear at VOGUE that the ONLY POV is Anna's, just like on this blog and when with ME, the only POV is MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine if Anna and I sat down to lunch..........MEOW!!!!............Catfight!!!!!!!!!!! Bitchfest!!!!!!!!! Anna, we LOVE you, you have taught us all how to be a bitch, and we salute you!!!!!!!!

Make sure all your color blockings meet with Anna's approval, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!
See you at the next fashion shoot, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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