Thursday, July 1, 2010

Darlings, This Bitch Is Enough To Make You Miz-erable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, the theater, as a profession, has more bitches extant than any other I can think of, with the possible exceptions of law and politics. Once again the winner of this week's Bitch Of The Week award comes from the theatrical realm, AND he is a man.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week award is Cameron Mackintosh!!!!!!!!

Cameron was largely isnturmental in intitiating the influx of British musicals onto Broqdwqy in the 1980s, before it became a Disney Palace. And he did some good work. But, honey his latest fails on several coutns.

Now, for 2012, not that far away, is being planned a remounting of the musical "Les Miserables" to comemorate its 25th anniversary. Nothing wrong with that; however Cameron has announced his intention to "rethink" (bullshit!) it in terms of conception and staging, which means we could end up with "Les Miserables Idiot" or "Jean Valjean's Awakening!" Darlings, this is not accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!

And apparently, Trevor Nunn and John Napier, who created the original, agree with me, because they have let lose that they are angry that Mackintosh has neglected to consult them about any aspect of the remounting, and is bringing in a whole new and younger production team, who will probably turn it into what I described before. This is bad enough, for what made the show great may no longer be--in which case let us see how long it runs, ha ha!!!!!!!!!! But the arrogance of Cameron in dismissing two theatrical geniuses is one thing that makes him our winner this week.

But there is ANOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, at no time, during all these creative meetings, fights, and consultations, has anyone approached me about playing the role of Fantine!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can do an "I Dreamed A Dream" that would make an onion cry. When I did it, there was never a dry eye in the house. And Fantine is MY part. First, I don't get sent up for "Another Part of the Forest," now I don't get seen for Fantine. I am going to have to get me a new agent, because someone is not doing their job!!!!!!

But Cameron knows I am out there and where to find me, he can always pick up the phone and call. However, if he thinks I will play it like some Goth slut he is full ot it, I will be in full period regalia or else!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations, Cameron on being designated Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!
I hope your reimagining of this musical theater classic TANKS!!!! You know something, girls? It WILL, because audiences today are not as sophisticated as they were back in 1987. In fact, they may not even know what Les Miz is. You can be damn ssure they never heard of Victor Hugo, let alone read him.

So this bitch is bitching about Cameron and theater in general. But don't let me stop your pursuit of excellence, lambs!!!!! But boycott this productiion--unless I am cast as Fantine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise, see you on the aisle, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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