Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back To Hell We Go, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, darlings, we are not going anywhere, but can you believe it has already been six months since Propserina came up from Hades to visit her mother Ceres???? I am sure those two had a great time at the beach, shopping, drinking coffee, and doing basically what all us mortal girls do, but now it is time for Properina to return to Hell and spend six months with her husband. Pluto????? Yes, loves, six months with her husband in Hell, which IS Hell--and they call this heterosexuality.

So, to put a positive spin on things we celebrate Prosperina's departure with the arrival of Fall--which means, fashions, galas, street fairs, and cozy cider saturated evenings with Monsieur Davide. The myth holds that Ceres' tears cause leaves to fall, trees to wither and snow to come. Honey, if life were a myth I would be Queen of All I Survey, and not just on this blog. But we have to go where we can succeed, loves, so let us wish Propserina a successful voyage, as we look forward to her return, come Spring. So sexy, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And before we say a fond farewell to Summer 2010, let me say it was one of the hottest ever!!!!! I know this for a fact, girls, because I spent most of it indoors. I mean, it was too hot sometimes even to sit outside--which is why I did not make even ONE attempt to see ANYTHING at the Delacorte. If the show was indoors and AC, I was fine, otherwise, forget it! Honey, it is all I can do with these hot flashes; I do not need any more heat coursing throughout my body. But the summer was fun, from Monsieur Davide, to "Sondheim On Sondheim" to "Piranha 3-D," all with Monsieur Davide, so how could the summer NOT be fun, in spire of the heat! Here is wishing for a cool and fun filled Autumn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me now, say girls, I am almost done with the TRAUMA of last weekend, because this morning I found myself making an effort to do the Rue McClanahan walk from "The Golden Girls." Rue was the girl we loved the most, and always wanted to be, though, I am telling you, Miss Betty White is having the last laugh on everyone!!!!!! Go, Betty!!!!! I still have the trauma of the DENTIST to get through, so please wish me well, darlings: I survived the first cleaning, I hope I can the other. I am banking on the other one not taking as long, because there does not appear to be as much on my left side as my right, but time will tell.

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