Saturday, September 25, 2010

Darlings, I Have Had A Spiritual Vision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, I am not talking about like when Jennifer Jones beheld the BVM in "The Song Of Bernadette;" I mean, can you imagine? I am hardly worthy of such an honor. Nevertheless, I did have a Heavenly visitiation the other day, and by someone recently deceased--barely three months.

There I was at the dentist, with the lovely Monsieur Davide waiting in support of the emotional trauma I was going through over my much needed deep cleaning. My tax person, Donna, who is an inspiration, told me to go someplace in my mind while in the chair. The first thing I saw in my vision was the exterior, with the perfectly manicured tropical foilage and lawn, of the one floor house from "The Golden Girls!!!!" Darlings, you know I love it!

Suddenly, from out of the mists, stepped the great Rue McClanahan, dressed in my favorite Blanche Devereux outfit; the one I want to wear the most--the bright blue top with the flowing floral patterened skirt. You can see it twice in the show's opening credits. Beaming that famous Rue smile, I heard her say to me, in her best Blanche voice, "Oh huuuuuuuuuney, it's gonna be fahhhhhhhhhhne!!!!!!!!!!!" and I knew at that instant it would. And it was, and I have lived to tell about it.

Now, I might mention this at Dignity, but I am not sure if the Roman Catholic Church would sanction a vision from a show business celebrity. But Rue did play a nun on stage and in televsion in various incarnations of "Nunsense," so she does actually have some credibility with the Divine!!!!!! In terms of cannonization, as far as I am concerned, she has performed her first miracle (a saint needs three), but who knows, I may not be the first. Perhaps others elsewhere have had visions of Rue McClanahan. They must abound in Florida nurinsing homes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let us all be inspired by the joyous spirit and the brilliant acting that was Rue McClanahan. She can guide us through this life, no matter if we are putting on a party frock, or washing dishes--which I actully saw her do in last night's episode!!!!!!! Now, I am washing dishes!!!!!!! I mean, who would have thought it????????

So, girls, I made it through the dental visit the other day, plus I was blessed with the beatific presence of Rue. That is beatific lambs, not beautician.
Meanwhile, I know some of you out there need to get to the latter, because we all need to look our best, just as Rue did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all, my darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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