Friday, September 17, 2010

Darlings, I Have My Reputation To Protect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is no secret, girls, that I am DYING to read the new Patti Lupone memoir; after all, I have seen Patti so many times onstage, and we are both showstoppers ourselves, lambs!!!! However--and this came up during conversing with the lovely Monsieur Davide--I will read the book, but I cannot have it in my house. That is becuase my shelves consist of only the finest literature and classics; my God, what if someone broke in to rob me, and I had trash on my shelves??? You think I could show my face in public again? Oh, and by the way, I DO have some Philip Roth on my shelf, but there is no way I will have "Portnoy's Complaint." That yellow cover is coda for masturbation, and I certainly don't want to be thought of by super, thieves, or visiting friends as being anything less than pure and innocent!!! I mean, I am like Miss Dorothy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I wonder what I will be facing, what with the storm we had yesterday. Sweeties, I never made it home last night; thank God for Monsieur Davide; otherwise I might have been sitting waiting all night for a train to leave, and be so bummed out I would not have been able to troop in and work, let alone blog. So I hope my reputed books are awaiting me intact, and that no windows in my place were broken. We shall see!!!! To think when I was a child and first beheld "The Wizard of Oz," I wanted tornadoes; now they can just stay away. And what are we doing get such things in this region???? I am telling you, girls, it is the coming of the Apocalyspe, so you better get your designer things in gear, so that when The End comes you will look good. Honey, let me tell you, no party was as important for looking good as the forthcoming Last Judgement. So you had better get your outfits in line!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to a quiet, relaxing weekend, before facing anoather frantic week, which includes a return visit to the dentist. Dent this, bitch!!!!!!!!!!! So have yourselves a great time off, girls, and remember that Divinity (not fudge) is the ultimate reason to look your best!!!!!!!!!!!

See you in Heaven, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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