Thursday, September 2, 2010

Girls, This One Is A REAL Piece Of Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What was it about the 90's that producecd such bitches????? Susan Smith, Daphne Adbula, Pamela Smart, Mary Kay Letourneau.....all shceming, duplicitious, and except for Letourneau murderous.........bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While Susan Smith would be an obvious choice, less obvious but no less a piece of work than Smith is our winner this week. The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is...........Melinda Loveless!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, you couldn't ask for a better surname. A TV writer couldn't make it up. But let me tell you, it is genuine and it fits. Never has a name been so appropos.

Melinda Loveless, who is serving a 60 year prison term, which will hopefully be extended so she can rot there, wss the instigator in the 1992 Madison, Indiana murder of twelve year old Shanda Sharer.

On the evening of January 11, 1992, Shanda Sharer, then twelve, was joyriding with Melinda and cohorts Laurie Tackett, Hope Rippey and Toni Lawrence, was bound, gagged, taken to a deserted, wooded area known to residents as "the Witch's Castle" where she was torutured beyond endurance, set fire to, burned, and left to die. Nice, huh?

There is so much wrong with this story, hon, one does not know where to begin. LEt's start with Shanda. What was a 12 year old girl doing hanging around and going out late evenings with four girls who were in their mid-teens???? At that stage, those age groups are pretty separate. And, while Shanda's parents were grief stricken and destroyed by her death, where was their thinking, when it came to allowing their daughter to do this? You have to wonder.

If this story sounds remotely familiar, it is because two books--"Little Girl Lost" and "Cruel Sacrifice" by Aphrodite Jones (which I have read, girls!!!!) were written, and in 2,004 the case was dramatized on "Law And Order SVU" as the episode "Mean." Kelli Garner, brilliant as Britany 0'Malley, was based on Melinda.

But the dynamics were different. In "Mean," the victim, Emily Sullivan, was their own age and of their clique. The motive was heterosexual jealousy over Emily having gone out with Britany's boyfriend. The motive in Shands's case was identical except for the fact the relationship in question was--lesbian!!!!!! In Indiana????? Can you believe it????????????

Like Britany, Melinda was the one who thought the whole thing up, took the most pleasure in killing her, and thus earned the heaviest sentence. As far as I am concerned her cohorts are no less guilty, but there would have been no murder if it were not for Melinda.

So, girls, let us be thankful, at the ripe old age of 35, Melinda is still in jail, where she will hopefully die!!!!!!!!! She hasn't aged well, girls, but she is in prison, not a health spa. Wonder how those gals have been working her over? I am surprised she was not murdered like Jeffrey Dahmer. But there is hope.

Meanwhile, prison salutations to Melinda as our Bitch Of The Week. They don't come any more evil than this.

Remember your facial applique, girls, whether in prison or at a sauna!!!!!!!!!!!!

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