Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are We Going Backwards, Darlings?????????????

Obviously, girls, the phrase "we've come a long way, baby" has little meaning now. Four weeks after the tragic suicide of Tyler Clementi, I just learned that this pig from Queens (where else?) named Frederick Giunta, went into Julius' Bar on Waverly Place, at 5:45 in the evening, and attacked a bartendeer amid homophobic ranting, so much so he was arrested and charged with assault as a hate crime. I mean, lambs, what the hell is going on? First, I personally happen to be familiar with Waverly Place, which, back in the 80s was a horror street, because it was where the whole drama of Joel Steinberg, Hedda Nussbaum and Lisa Steinberg was played out, with that scum still walking about. When the dust settled, it became a n ice, safe, tree lined street, thanks to Juluis', the oldest gay bar in Manhattan, and my home away from home across the street, Three Lives Bookstore, where I always buy my tomes, loves!!!!!!! I have always felt safe walking about there, day or night, but after this, I am not so sure!! And there is no excuse; we should all feel safe on this street.

I even have a passing familiarity with Julius', sweeties. Now, mind you, I am not one of those leather skinned, elderly alcohol ridden 'Iceman Cometh' clients that they are famous for. I swear, the gang sitting on the stools all the time at Julius' have been there from Day One, when it opened!!!! I swear it!!!!!! It is NOT the Algonqui, lambs, so you do not want to spend a lot of time there. But I admit I have dashed in there for a chillout and a coke, time and again, the burgers are fabulous, and, of course, if you are a man in that area, and stuck to take a leak, why Julius' is always there for one to duck into. It has the filthiest bathroom in town, so do not sit down under any circumstance, BUT every queen flocks there not only for relief, but because the walls are decorated with the most captivatig vinyl album covers--everything from "A Chorus Line" to my personal favorite, "Annette On Campus!!!!" That is Annette Funicello, darlings; you better believe it!!! And then, how could I not help dashing over to the gang at Three Lives for literature and a communal feel??? This is a God given right in Greenwich Village, and no Queens trash is going to stop it!!!!! I hope the bars ban together, and kick these schmucks out and into the gutter, where they belong!!!! Because if they don't, I will!!!! And you do NOT want to mess with THIS bitch, loves!!!!!!!!!!

There is a rally Saturday to end gay violence, and I want all my girls to be there, just as you were there for Tyler on the bridge. Only, dress even better, dolls, because here the single may find a chance of landing someone!!!!!!!!

And as for Mr. Frederick Giunta and his lot, go rot!!!!!!! Why don't you pick on the Dykes On Bikes???? You know why? Because you are all cowards, afraid of being pussy whipped!!!! But the gay community is not going to stand much more of this trash!!!!! You think being pussy whipped is bad???? Wait till you all get BITCHSLAPPED!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all my slapping bitches, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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