Monday, November 1, 2010

Darlings, Back In 1960. We All Wanted To Get Stabbed In The Shower, Like Janet Leigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, I am telling you, we do not wish to have a knife pierce our body. But since its release, 50 years ago in 1960--can you believe a whole half century, darlings???--"Psycho" has changed shower taking from a ritual into a symbol of beauty. Because once Janet Leigh was shown naked and hair soaked, darlings, we all wanted to look as glamorous as she whenever we took our shower. After all, if a psychopath is going to walk in and attack you, you had better look your best! And Janet in the shower certainly told us how to do that.

"Psycho" also did much for traditional mother roles in America, pointing out that not all mothers were June CLeaver; some were incestuous bitch castrators like Mrs. Bates--the kind whose actions make their child into serial killers! And Norman, as brilliantly portrayed by Anthony Perkins, became one of the most famous fictitious ones of the twentieth century!!!!!

Could not believe Monsieur David had not seen this on the big screen, where it deserves to be seen!!!!! Could not believe our screening was not packed, or that there were those who had never seen the film at all!!!!! Darlings, what kind of lives do these people live????? But a more perfect way to spend this Halloweekend could not be asked for. After 50 years, "Psycho" is still perfection!!!!!!!!!! And we are all more careful in the shower, because of it!!!!!!!!!!

But things did not stop with this, oh, no, you better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunday morning we were up and at 'em, because Monsieur Davide was going to Grand Marshall the Washington Square Children's Halloween Parade, which was a gala event for all concerned. There were even some fabulous lesbians like Christine Quinn on hand to offer assurance and support. The whole thing culminated in a lunch filled gossip fest at the world famous Paris Commune. Unfortunately, the lovely Cody did not appear to be working; bet he was the trick getting plenty of treats the night before!!! Kisses to all, loves!!!! Hope your Halloween was splendid, right down the to the SVU marathon. The one with Frank Langella and his sons was the sickest!!!!!!!

Happy, November, darlings! The year wind own and myriad events begin!!!!!!!!!!! Love to all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you at all events!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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