Sunday, November 21, 2010

Darlings, "Jersey Boys" Was So Much Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, we were at the August Wilson Theater that eve, finally seeing the musical "Jersey Boys," and let me tell you a good time was had by all. Monsieur Davide and I finally reaped the rewards of a show with genuinely good music, after sitting through crap like "Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson". And, yes, they did my favorite, "Rag Doll." Darlings, it took me back to my childhood, when the songs would air on the radio, and I would get up beside it, and perform them. My poor parents; they did not know what to do with me!!!!!!

It was a fabulous, theatrical evening. But, girls, you will not believe what happened next. There Monsieur Davide and I were, seated respectfully like any New York Theatre Queen couple--and he was with the Raving Queen, after all--when this tourist group from, I don't know where, Jersey or North Carolina, and these two women sit down next to us. The one next to me was blonde, with that look suggesting she was trying to be Heather Menzies in "The Sound Of Music," though she was long past the Von Trapp stage. Actually, she looked like an adult version of the type of girl who would never give me the time of day in high school. Now, there is nothing unusual about chatting with a stranger at the theater before the curtain goes up; happens all the time. Especially if the topic is theater. She first asked me if I had seen "Jersey Boys" before--and I AM a Jersey boy, honeys!!!!!--and we kept the talk theatrical. Fine.

Then the lights went down, and the magic of the theater began. And that is when--you are not going to believe it, girls!--happened--this WOMAN came on to me!!!! My first thought was , "Oh, sure, a fag hag!" because there are lots of those at the theater, honey, and I thought, well, OK. But then things began to get aggressive--toe tapping, snuggling--and I tjhought--what the Hell is going on. I tried to be polite as I could, without being rude, but she just would not give up!!!!!!!

Sweeties, when have I EVER given off a straight vibe?????? Especially when I had a MAN right beside me??????????????? This was the strangest experience I have had of late, and you know, especially if you read on here, I have had some strange experiences, darlings!!!!!!!!

I am telling you, lambs, a girl is just not safe out there, even with a night on the town!!!!!!! But the show is wonderful, it will send you out singing. And it even references Bloomfield, the home of my friend Joe, and the Nevada Diner!!!!! Wonder why Joe and his brotjhers never formed a guy group????????

Cannot WAIT to join a girl one, wearing taffeta!!!!! Cheers, loves!!!!!!

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