Friday, November 12, 2010

Sorry, Girls, There Is More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.....Then there was that whole Coach Beistie thing, and believe me she reminded me of Maude "the Broad" Stockman, from my day. Both were unfeminine women, and in the case of Coach Beistie, she is a big old lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIANNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, who are we kidding, darlings?????

This was SUPPOSED to be the episode that dealt with the Tyler Clementi issue, but it really did not. Kurt being harassed by an internally self-hating gay kid???? Come on!!!!!!!!! Getting his first kiss THAT way???????? Who would want to??????????

The makers of "Glee" need to get their act together, and dare to stand by the convictions they want to set. From this much hyped episode, I have not seeen any evidence of it. There is more daring and innovation on Martha Plimpton's show "Raising Hope" than in what I have seen so far of "Glee!" And up till now, at least they got the musical portions right, but not so here.

Remember in the 'SVU' Harper episode when the judge tells Alex Cabot to "stick to the scope?" Someone needs to tell that to the creators of "Glee!" If not, girls, we will be telling them to stick something else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stand up for dramatic integrity, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!! If "Glee!" wants to survive the wrath of the Raving Queen and the rest of us, it had better deliver what they promise!!!!!!!!!!

The real question is who are the makers of "Glee!" pandering to, as it does not reflect those of us left bereft by the Clementi tragedy. It does not serve the Clementi family well, I can tell you that!!!!! Instead, the makers seemed to be directing things to the same mainstream demographic going back to the days of "Room 222!" Poor "Glee!" Every time they have a chance to be innovative and daring, they backtrack!!!!!!!!

Which is not what I know my girls on here do, too!!!! Now make a track to your closets to choose your evening ware for tonight!

See you on the town tonight, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that Blaine!!!!!!!!!! Ewwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is SO bland, he is like a poster child of Andrew Sullivan's treatises on gay men conforming to the straight world!!!!!!!!!! Fuck that, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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