Friday, December 31, 2010

Alas, The Tragedy Of America's Sad September!!!!!

There is not much more I can say about the Tyler Clementi situation, except that, as far as I was concerned, for a variety of deeply felt personal reasons, this was the Story Of The Year!!!!!!! The outcome still waits to be played out, and know that I am with the Clementis all the way!!!! Tyler seemed (as I did not know him) to be a beautiful human being, who was destroyed by forces beyond his control. And more shall be heard on those forces later!!!!!

May a never ending Circle Of Love surround Tyler now, as it was not able to in Life. Honey, with all my power, I am standing in that Circle!!!!!!!!

That now iconic photo shines forth as a beacon of what was beautiful about Tyler, and what was Humanity's Shame!!!!!!!!!

We pray for you here, Tyler. Now and Always!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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