Saturday, December 4, 2010

All Right, Girls!!!!!! I have HAD It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Tyler Clementi just can't seem to get a break. Maligned in life, driven to a tragic, irrevocable;e act conferring upon him an iconic status that most likely neither he nor his family, sought, NOW this unfortunate young man cannot even rest in piece!!!!! The fate of his perps has yet to be decided, and an anti-bullying bill honoring both the issue and he by bearing his name is shelved, not yet signed into law by governor Christie, because it is found by some, according to the Star Ledger, to be unconstitutional!!!!! Excuse me????????? What is unconstitutional about protecting students for their own safety????? Nothing, when you think about it. These detractors say it defines harassment differently than before!!!!! Well, yeah!!!! But what they are NOT saying is that they are afraid it will infringe on the rights of heterosexual students, whom they care more about in the first place!!!!!! The bill, as written applies to EVERYONE, regardless of sexual orientation. But because it is named after a student who died tragically because he was picked on specifically for being gay, I guess these morons are afraid this would construe gay favoritism, and, I mean, God forbid, because that might compromise straights getting everything their self-righteousness sense of entitlement think they deserve, and have thought since the Founding Fathers!!!!! Fuck them all!!!!!!!!
It is about time gays got a piece of the pie; we have to work, pay taxes, and all that crap. So treat as equally, and guard our rigjhts the same way you would guard those of others!!!!!!

Which is what the Tyler Clementi bill is designed to do. It protects the rights of ALL!!!! And as long as these laws are not in place, as long as the perps do not face up to their crime, this paves the way for further tragedies, and Tyler cannot rest in peace. And I will not rest, until these situations are remedied.

So, as the Raving Queen, I say, get out of the smug gutter you are in, you filthy heterosexuals, and start realizing this bill is designed to protect you as well. Because, let me tell you, being straight does not immune you automatically from bullying. How about telling that to Phoebe Prince????? We are all in this together, and if people don't start supporting bills like this, then we go back to MY day when teachers and administrators watched out for themselves, never mind the children who they were responsible for, and homophobic bitches like Alice C. Santamarina get away with excluding worthy students like me from the National Honor Society on homophobic grounds!!!!!

The society I care about and desire to LIVE in is sick of this, girls!!!! It is sick that a student of Tyler Clementi's specialness felt there was no place for him in this world after that act of deliberate cruelty directed at him. I do NOT want to live in a society that condones such, so I am telling MY girls on here--keep on
fighting for this to go through, so that we can live in a society we all WANT to live in, instead of one we are TOLD to!!!!!!

And grant everyone the right to their own makeup kit and reticule!!!!!!!!!!!

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