Sunday, December 19, 2010

Darlings, I Cannot Believe I was Invited To This Birthday Party!!!!!!!!!

Today, girls, happens to be the birthday of the fabulous Mr. Jake Gylenhaal--he of the pretty eyes, that pretty hair, and pretty smile. And I am sure Maggie or someone is having a big bash to honor Jake hitting the Big 3-0!!!!!!!!!!

How we want a piece of Jake Cake, darlings, or any piece of Jake we can get!!!! Which piece do you think is the best, girls????? But no one asked me, the Raving Queen, to the party!!!! I mean, what is wrong? What are they afraid of?????

Of course Jake looks fabulous as anyone can at 30, which is to say he looks better than most when they turn that age!!!! So let us wish Jake our best as he embarks on his fourth decade, without losing any of that gorgeousness!!!!!!


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