Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Darlings, It's December!!!! So Let's Welcome Mother Ginger And Her Poinshinelles!!!!!!!!!

Girls, can you believe it is December 1???? Haul out the holly, darlings, because this is the Month of Months--parties, presents, a year windown and wrap-up, and sweeties The Raving Queen will be with you to cover it all. Think I would forget my girls???? Never!!!!!

And what better way to welcome this month than Mother Ginger???? I am telling you, she is QUITE a mother!!!!!!!!! In more ways than one, darlings!!!!!! I have always wanted to wear that FABULOUS costume. More fun than Uncle Drosslemeier, I can tell you!!!! So get cracking, lambs--cards, cookies, goodies, trees, Nativities, Baby Jesus (oh boy!!!!!!!!), the Rocettes, "The Hard Nut," "Amahl And The Night Visitors...." no wonder we are all ready to drop dead by January. But that is along way off, dears, so enjoy this month while you may. I will be sure to give you a full report, and then SOME!!!!!!!!!!

Have yourselves a Merry, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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