Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Darlings, Just Remember; When It Comes To "Glee," I Am Santana!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, we just love Santa Lopez on "Glee," played by Nayda Rivera, because she is the bitch all us gay men grow up to become. We start our lives as Kurt, where we are victimized by those like Santana (that Britteny reminds me of Debby Germann, who attached herself to the highers up as an acolyte), but then once we escape suburban entrapment, we evolve into even bigger bitches than Santana ever thought of being, and darlings, I am PROUD of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you are Santana, girls, you ARE empowered!!!!!! You know who and what you are superior to, and that you deserve the best!!!!!!!! Especially if you have spent the early part of your life, ike Kurt, and moi, darlings--yes, moi--being victimized and humiliated, especially by white trash relations!!!!!!!!!

Well, Santana is NO victim, honey, and that is HER message, and I think it is a good one for everyone, and one I wish some, like, say Tyler Clementi, could have heeded. I am telling you, I would like to see what Santana would do to Molly Wei!!!!! She would put that bitch in her place!!!!! And she would probably castrate Darvi Rhun.

Santana, is of course, a fictitious character, but the Raving Queen is real, darlings, he is right here, and if anyone is going to deal with scum, it will be yours truly!!!!!!!!!! So, the next time you watch "Glee," you concentrate on Santana, with a side look at Kurt, and remember, that, in the context of this blog, and with Santana out there, Kurt is going to be just fine.

And if anyone dares question MY status as Santana, I will bitch you out!!!!!!!!!!!!

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