Monday, December 20, 2010

Darlings, Let Us talk About My New Act!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, if you are gay, aside a from a fabulous wardeobe stashes in your closet, you have, submerged in your mind, an act!!!! After all, once Barbra in "Funny Girl" told us, "When you're gifted, then you're gifted!" that gave us carte blanche on unleashing ourselves to the world. Though, let me say, I knew this about myself long before Barbra; ever since I pirouetted--yes, that is right, Darlings!--from my Mother's womb!!!!!!!

But, honestly, with so much fabulousness at hands, what am I supposed to do????
I cannot, as has been suggested, convert this blog into Standup, because then what would I report to my girls on????? I could do showtunes; but, honey, let me tell you, if you think singing "Meadowlark" or "Anthem" from "Chess" is easy, then you need to go back to watching Shirley Temple in "Bright Eyes!!!!"

What I need, loves, is something that displays my purity and innocence--yes, I AM!!!!-- and does not require much effort. Like when I sing "Frank Mills" each September 12 in front of the Waverly (now the IFC Center), which I have been doing each year since 1978, save for a certain incident the day before in 2001!!!!!!!!!
This Christmas season I have been discovering and rediscovering the Roches--who, by the way are performing tonight on Varrick Street at the City Winery; but do you think I could get a ticket???? So I will be there in spirit. Inspired by these Divinities, I have come up with something I call The Barefoot Virgin, inspired by Joan Baez in her early days at Club 47!!!!!!!!

Picture this--the crowd gets quiet, then out of nowhere, I step, a barefoot Vision of Innocence, clad in nothing but one of my Spinster (though I am no longer a spinster) Nightgowns, assume the mike, either a capella or with a guitar accompanist--while trilling such folksies as "Geordie," "Fenario", "500 Miles," and others mentioned on here, finishing off the set with my luminous rendering of "Frank Mills", where my embodiment of virginal innocence is so acute, the audience would gasp!!!!!!!

What do you think, girls!!!! And we could take it farther, of course, by doing a benefit for Tyler Clementi, whom we must remember along with his family, this Holiday season. The sweetest of Clementines, looks down on us now, and we must NOT forget him, nor the fight to end all senseless tragedies!!!!!

Darlings, how do you like that--show biz and social activism!!!!! Room in my heart for all God's creatures--especailly the well off and the well endowed!!!!!

But don't be surpised if I turn up somewhere, darlings!!!! My innocence radiates!!!!!!!

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