Friday, December 17, 2010

Girls, Can You Believe It Has Been A Year?????????????

Girls, today marks a year since Miss Jennifer Jones left this world, and went to her Heavenly reward, and I am telling you things have not been the same since!!!!!! I mean, the Glamour Quotient has gone down somewhat with her passing, though thank God we still have the likes of Meryl, Amy and Julianne out there to set some standards. And of course, my girls KNOW they have me, the Raving Queen, to guide and inspire them.

But Jennifer Jones.........what a loss, and one we remember today!!!!!!! From her stunning Academy Award winning performance in "The Song Of Bernadette,' which defined Catholicism for so many of us, darlings--and still does!!!!--through Pearl Chavez, right up to her exit in "The Towering Inferno," Miss Jones shined forth brightly. And how about "Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing," mon amours??????? Now, THAT defines Romance!!!!!!!!!! Believe me, I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So sit back with an egg nog and curl up to watch your favorite Jennifer Jones movie!!!!!!! Be sure to catch "Cluny Brown" Christmas Week at the Film Forum!!!!!!!!!!!


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